Line Break Tag 换行标签

The line break tag <br> is used for creating a break element in an HTML document. The <br> element is classified as a “void element” since it has no content. This also means that there is no end tag.

换行标签<br> i用于在HTML文档中创建换行元素。<br> 元素被归类为“无效元素”,因为它没有内容。这也意味着没有结束标签。

Note: The line break tag <br> should only be used for line breaks that are actually part of the content, such as a line break in a poem or address. It should not be used for separating thematic groups in a string of text. Thematic groups should be separated by using multiple paragraph tags <p>.

注意:换行标记<br> 只应用于实际上是内容一部分的换行符,例如诗歌或地址中的换行符。它不应用于在一串文本中分隔主题组。主题组应使用多个段落标记<p>分隔。

Syntax 语法:

The line break tag is written as <br> at the point where the line break should occur. The line break is a singular element, and does not have different open and close variations like most other tags.


Example: 例

Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

Proceed to the next example” Bold Tag