Bold Tag 加粗标签

The bold tag <b> is used to create bold text in an HTML document.

加粗标签<b> 用于在HTML文档中创建粗体文本。

Note: The bold tag <b> should only be used to make text bold without conveying any extra importance such as in article abstracts, where the beginning of an article is also set in bold text. If text needs to stand out due to it’s importance the strong tag <strong> should be used instead. Alternatively, the emphasis tag <em> can also be used to draw attention to important text.

注意:加粗标签仅用于使文本粗体化,而不传达任何额外的重要性,例如在文章摘要中,文章的开头也设置为粗体文本。如果文本因其重要性而需要突出显示,则应使用<strong> 标签,或者,<em>标签也可用于提请注意重要文本。

Syntax 语法:

The bold tag is written as <b>   </b> with the text desired text inserted between the start and end tags.

加粗标签写为<b>   </b>,在开始标签和结束标签之间插入所需的文本。

Example 例:

Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

This example shows the differences between using the:
bold tag <b>, strong tag <strong>, and emphasis tag <em>.


Proceed to the next example: Strike Tag