Paragraph Tag 段落标签

The paragraph tag <p> represents a paragraph of text within an HTML document.


Paragraphs are usually rendered with a small space between each paragraph, but this is dependent on the default settings of the browser. Browsers do not always render a space between paragraphs; however this is the normal convention.


Note: The paragraph tag <p> should only be used when there are no other more appropriate tags that could be used. For example, the address tag <address> is more suitable for providing contact details, and the footer tag <footer> is more appropriate for footer content such as copyright notices.


Syntax 语法:

The paragraph tag <p> tag is written as <p>   </p> with the text of the paragraph inserted between the start and end tags.

段落标签写为 <p>   </p> ,段落文本插入起始标签和结束标签之间。


Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

This document will show how different tags can display information on a website to the end user. Using the correct tags, even though the visual appearance of the content may look the same is important when writing effective HTML code.


Think about this: If you can include a copyright notice using a paragraph tag <p> why would you use a footer tag <footer> instead? Why would you not just use a paragraph tag <p> for everything?

思考:如果可以使用段落标记<p> 包含版权声明,为什么你要使用页脚标记<footer>呢?为什么不在所有地方都使用段落标记?

Proceed to the next example: Line Break Tag