Heading Tags 1 – 6 标题标签

The heading tag <h “#” > is used to define important information in an HTML document, such as article titles, section titles, etc.The HTML standard includes 6 different levels of headings, which are ranked by importance. The ranking of the heading tag <h “#” > is defined by a number within the tag; <h1> has the highest rank, whereas <h6> has the lowest rank.


The 6 heading tags are: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>.

6个标题标签分别为The 6 heading tags are: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>

Note: The size of the heading text decreases as the number in the tag increases. Think of first heading tag or H1 as being the first or most important element, and each subsequent number being second, third, forth, fifth and sixth place in order of its importance in the document.


Syntax 语法:

The heading tag is written as <h “#” >  </h “#” > with the heading text inserted between the start and end tags. There are a total of 6 heading tags.

标题标记写为 <h “#” >  </h “#” >,标题文本插入开始标签和结束标签之间,共有6个标题标签。

Example 例:

Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

Proceed to the next example: Paragraph Tag