Body Tag 主体标签

The body tag <body> is used for creating the main body, or content area of a website. This element represents the main section of the website where almost all of the visible elements of a design are located. Since most content displayed on a typical web-page is contained within the opening and closing body tags <body> the start (or opening) tag is usual closer to the top of the document while end (or closing) tag is located near the bottom section of code.


The body of a website is categorized as a “sectioning root”, and the elements contained within the body are categorized as “flow content”.


Note: HTML documents can only have one body tag <body> element.

注意:HTML文档只能有一个<body> 标签元素。

Syntax 语法:

The body tag is written as <body>   </body> with the document’s content inserted between the start and end tags.

主体标记写为<body>   </body>,文档内容插入开始标记和结束标签之间。

The body tag <body> is located after the head tag <head>, and should always be the second HTML element in a document.


Example 例:

Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

This example demonstrates how body tag <body> appears within an HTML document. Notice that none of the content outside of the body tag <body> appear as a visible element in the design of the page in this example.


Proceed to the next example: Heading Tags