Head Tag 头部标签

The head tag <head> represents the document head, or the initial HTML element, of an HTML document. The head tag <head> contains other HTML tags that contain metadata, styles, and other HTML elements which are important elements in a well structured website; however these elements are not part of the visible design of the webpage. Metadata is added to the document head <head> to provide information about the document such as: a title, description, search keywords etc. A typical HTML document could contain a title tag <title> tag, and one or more meta tags <meta>, a script tag <script>, and a style tag <style>, which are enclosed within the head tag <head> element.

<head>标签表示HTML文档的文档头或初始HTML元素。<head>标签包含其他HTML标签,这些标签包含元数据、样式和其他HTML元素,这些元素是结构良好的网站中的重要元素;然而,这些元素不是网页可见设计的一部分。元数据被添加到文档头,以提供有关文档的信息,例如:标题、描述、搜索关键字等。典型的HTML文档可能包含<title> 标签,以及一个或多个<meta>元标签、<script>脚本标签和<style>样式标签,它们都包含在<head> 标签元素中。

Note: Most metadata is not displayed in the browser, although the title <title> will usually appear in the browser’s title bar. The main purpose of information in the Head Tag <head> is to improve the functionality of the page.


Syntax 语法:

The head tag <head> tag is written as <head>   </head> with the metadata content enclosed between the start and end tags. The head tag <head> tag is placed between the opening and closing HTML tags <html> tags.

head标签写为元数据内容包含在开始标签和结束标签之间。 <head> 标签位于开始和结束<html>标签之间。

Most HTML documents will have a title tag <title> within the head tag <head>.



Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

Proceed to the next example: Body Tag