Creating Graphic Organizers 使用表格创建信息组织图

There are many different ways to compare the information that you have gathered when researching a topic, and that Information can be presented using many different methods. You may decide to use a visual organizer, a written analysis, or write an essay using that information. However, in this project we will focus on organizing information using a visual organizer. Visual organizers could include: charts, graphs, maps, storyboards, diagrams, etc.


Think about the following 思考

Why might you decide to display information in different ways? 

Would displaying the same information in multiple ways be beneficial?

In this project we will create a visual organizer to compare details about China to another country that you have researched. Using a word processor you will create a “Fact Sheet” that compares these countries by creating a custom table to organize the information from your research. Using the  “Example: Comparison Chart” on the next page as a guide when creating your own fact sheet. 


Keep in mind that we are learning many different methods for using computers effectively. This particular project explores only one method of preparing information; however, it will be important to do your projects using the format that your teacher has requested. If you are not sure what you need to do for a particular project you should always ask your teacher for clarification.


Instructions 说明

You project will need the following components of an MLA project:

  1. Header with your last name and page number
  2. Project leader with your name, teacher, class, and date
  3. Use 12pt. “Times New Roman” or “Arial” as your font
    使用12号Times New Roman或Arial字体
  4. A reference section that indicates your sources
  5. A footer with the school’s name

Your project will also need to have the following technical requirements

  1. A custom table (properly formatted)
  2. Your country titles should use a hyperlink to link to a webpage about that country
  3. The country’s flag has been inserted into the table under the correct country’s name
  4. All the facts should be complete and accurate

Project Exemplar

When you are done your assignment save your work as:
“First Name”_”Last Name”_factsheet.doc

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