Introduction to HTML Part 1 HTML简介第1部分

Websites are created with two main elements, these are visible and non-visible elements. The most noticeable elements of a website are the visible elements of the design, the non-visible elements, or the HTML code (Hyper Text Markup Language) that makes the website work is hidden from the viewer.

HTML code is a program language, and like any language has its own unique syntax, but what is syntax?

syntax |ˈsinˌtaks| noun
The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed statements in a language.

Learning code is just like learning any other language. There are rules to the language, and if these rules are not followed the language does not make sense, and just like different languages, each program language has its own unique syntax.


Basic HTML websites use a series of elements called HTML tags as part of their unique syntax. Some HTML tags are self explanatory such as the title tag <title>Your Title Goes Here</title>, but other tags have been simplified and will need to be memorized such as the paragraph tag <p>Paragraph Goes Here</p>.

基本HTML网站使用一系列称为HTML标签的元素作为其独特语法的一部分。有些HTML标签是不言自明的,例如标题标<title>Your Title Goes Here</title>,但其他标签已经简化,需要记住,例如段落标<p>Paragraph Goes Here</p>

However modern websites have become much more complicated in recent years and rely on a combination of several different types of code to create all the different interactive elements that are used in the design of a web-page. These include Java Scripts which use the script tag <script>The java script program goes here</script>. Flash, which uses the Action Script language, is also used in many websites designs to add interactive elements; however Flash is quickly being replaced by new additions to the HTML5 program language which is introducing Flash like functionality to the HTML language.  

然而,近年来,现代网站变得更加复杂,需要依靠几种不同类型的代码组合来创建网页设计中使用的所有不同交互元素,其中包括使用脚本标签的Java脚本<script>The java script program goes here</script>。Flash使用动作脚本语言,在许多网站设计中也使用Flash添加交互元素;然而,Flash很快就被HTML5程序语言的新添加所取代,该语言将类似Flash的功能引入到HTML语言中。

Many websites also use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead of programming the styles using traditional HTML tags on each page. Instead of programming styles individually for each page, style sheets are made and multiple pages can be linked to a single style sheet. More importantly, CSS enables programs to apply styles independently of the HTML code used in each web page which saves times and improves efficiency; therefore one style can be applied to the entire website, and changing the style sheet will affect the look of the entire website.


Basic HTML Tags 基本HTML标签:

The table below shows several of the most common HTML Tags that are used by many websites. The table has been formatted to show a typical hierarchy in an HTML website and how these tags might be used in context. Keep in mind that most, but not all tags, have both an open and close tag with information being contained between these two tags; however some tags are singular with all the relevant information being contained within the tag itself.


HTML Tag Type
OpenCloseSingular Tag / Element
Document Type Comment Tags HTML


<!doctype html> <!– comment here –>



     -Div Tag (generic)
        -Heading Tags 1-6
             -Bold Text
             -Strong Tag
             -Emphasis Tag
             -Strike Through
-Line Break



<img src=”   ” alt=”   “>
<link rel=”   ” href=”   “>

Writing Code编写代码:

HTML code can be generated in a number of different ways using an HTML editor which is a software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML code of a web page can be written with any Text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer added convenience and added functionality for the coder. 


There are 3 main types of HTML editors HTML编辑器有3种主要类型::

  • text editors文本编辑器
  • object orientated editors面向对象编辑器
  • WYSIWYG editors所见即所得编辑器

Text editors文本编辑器:

Simple text editors allow the user to program HTML code by manually typing the code out by hand. This requires an understanding of HTML and any other web technologies the designer wishes to use like CSS and Java Script. Some regular text editors such as Windows Notepad, or Text Edit on Mac also provide the ability to write HTML code and save the document as HTML file with an “.html” extension.


Some professional HTML text editors also include built-in functions or integration with external tools for tasks such as: code checking, code cleanup, spell-checking, and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) functions for uploading a webpage to the internet. text editors intended for writing HTML code usually also provide syntax highlighting which makes writing code easier. 


There are also many free online HTML editors which are MAC and PC compatible. The following online editor has a code input field and a live preview. This interface is very useful when learning how to write HTML code because you can see the results of your code instantly.


WYSIWYG Editors 所见即所得编辑器:

The exact opposite of coding HTML by hand in a text editor is a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get) which focuses on a visual approach to create code. With WYSIWYG editors the content creator will create the website using a Graphic User Interface (GUI). The program will then translate the visual elements into code. Because using a WYSIWYG editor does not require any knowledge of HTML they are easier for a novice user to learn how to use; however these editors are very limited in their capabilities due to the simplicity of the user interface.


Object Orientated HTML Editors 面向对象编辑器:

Object Orientated editors are somewhere in-between an HTML text editor and a WYSIWYG interface. These programs allow the editing of HTML source code in a more visually organized method based on the objects and assets used in the design of a webpage. These editors also include the option to edit the text-based parameters of selected objects in addition to defining the object parameters using different program palettes or windows. 


Programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver, which is an industry standard web-programming application, offer several different configurations that a user can switch between. The designer view allows the user to control and define elements using program windows and let Dreamweaver generate the HTML code for them, or users can use the code view which includes syntax highlighting and program the HTML code by hand. These features also allow different users, such as a web designer and programer to collaborate with each other easily on the same project.

Adobe Dreamweaver等程序是一种行业标准的web编程应用程序,提供了几种不同的配置,用户可以在这些配置之间进行切换。设计器视图允许用户使用程序窗口控制和定义元素,并让Dreamweaver为它们生成HTML代码,或者用户可以使用代码视图,其中包括语法高亮显示和手动编程HTML代码。这些特性还允许不同的用户(例如web设计师和程序员)在同一项目上轻松地相互协作。

Try HTML coding for free at免费试用HTML编码: 

Try this example. Retype the code below and compare the difference between the HTML code and the live preview that is generated by the online HTML editor. Notice the comments that are in a comment tag <!–  –> do not show on the webpage. After analyzing the difference between the code and the preview you should try modifying the code and customize this simple webpage.

试试这个例子。重新键入下面的代码,并比较HTML代码与在线HTML编辑器生成的实时预览之间的差异。请注意注释标签中的注释<!–  –> 不显示在网页上。在分析代码和预览之间的差异后,应该尝试修改代码并自定义此简单网页。

Example 1: Text Editor 例1: 文本编辑器

Example of HTML code that has been written in a basic Text Editor.

Example 2: An HTML Specific Text Editor 例2: 特定于HTML的文本编辑器

This example shows syntax highlighting which makes coding easier.

Example of HTML code that has been written in an HTML Text Editor.

Example 3: HTML Code in a Web Browser 例3:Web浏览器中的HTML代码

This is what this code will look like in a web browser after it has been rendered.

Proceed to the first example: Comment Tag