HTML Comment Tag HTML注释标签

The comment tag <!–   –> is used for creating comments within your HTML code. This is a very useful tool for both new and experienced coders to make notations which will help the coder remember what different sections of code are for.


The comment tag <!–   –> is not actually an HTML element (it is specified elsewhere in the HTML specifications). However, comments are an integral part of any HTML document. Comments can only be seen in code view and are not displayed to the end users. These comments can assist the author in understanding the code. This is particularly useful if there is a lot of code. Comments can also help other authors understand the code used in a specific webpage. This can be helpful when multiple web developers work collaboratively on the HTML code of a website.  Comments also serve as a reminder to web programs about what various parts of the HTML code are for in a document that they have not updated for a long time.



The comment tag <!–   –> does not have a separate opening and closing tag. Instead the comment tag is written as <!– Comment Here –> with the comments inserted inside the tag. Note that the exclamation mark is only used at the start tag and the comment are inserted into the empty space.

注释标签<!—->没有单独的开始和结束标记。相反,注释标记写为<!– Comment Here –>将注释插入标签中。请注意,感叹号仅用于开始标签,注释插入到空白处。


Instructions: Retype this code in an HTML editor and then load the webpage in a browser of your choice. Then once you have loaded the page try experimenting with the code. Making a few small changes and then preview how those changes affected your webpage. Once you are comfortable with this HTML Tag you should proceed to the next example.

Proceed to the next example: Document Type Declaration