Word Processing 文字处理

Word processing is so much more than just learning how to use a program such as Microsoft Word or Apple’s Pages. It is about learning transferable skills that leverage the power of a word processor to create rich documents that people want to read. In this unit you will learn how to use a number of features in a word processor that are essential to things you would need across multiple subject areas in school. You will learn how to create MLA style documents, use a formula or LaTeX editor, and how to label diagrams. By the end of this unit of study you will be able to create properly formatted research papers for your humanities classes, formate equations for math class, write chemical equations for science, and even create a school newspaper.

文字处理不仅仅是学习如何使用像微软word或苹果 pages等程序,而且要学习各种技能。在本单元中,你将学习如何在文字处理器中使用一些功能,这些功能对于你在学校其他学科领域也是至关重要的,比如如何创建MLA格式的文档,使用公式或LaTeX编辑器,以及如何标记图表。在本单元结束时,你将能在人文课上撰写格式正确的研究论文,在数学课上编写方程式,在科学撰写化学方程式,甚至制作校报。

Layout 页面布局

Notice: Please be advised that the version of Microsoft Office that is being shown in these examples is Microsoft Word 2007 and is running on Windows XP. Despite being an older build of the software many standardize exams still default to this particular version; therefore it can be useful for students to familiarize themselves with the major aspects of the software that are illustrated here. However, video tutorials for future projects will use the most recent addition of O365.

注意:示例中显示的Microsoft Office版本是Microsoft Word 2007,运行在Windows XP上。尽管是一个旧版本的软件,许多标准化考试仍然默认为这个特定的版本;因此,让学生熟悉此处所示软件的主要方面是很有用的。但是,以后项目的视频教程将使用最新添加的O365。

Microsoft Word

The basic layout of Microsoft Word.Microsoft Word文档的基本布局。

Main Menu

The main menu bar is located at the top. Menus may have sub menus, referred to as a Secondary Menu set. 顶部是主菜单栏,每个菜单项都有下属菜单,也就是子菜单。

Toolbar (Essentials)

The standard tool bar is located below the menu on the left side of the program window. This tool bar includes“New Document”“Save””Open””Print”标准工具栏位于主菜单栏的左下方,包括“新建文档”“保存”“打开”“打印”

Formatting Toolbar

The Formatting Tool Bar includes the following.“Font”“Font Size”“Font Stylizing”“Alignment”Microsoft Word文档的基本布局。


Rulers show the dimensions and measurements of your document. They also indicate how large the “Margins” are as well as indents and and “Column” widths.标尺用来衡量文档的维度和长度,同时也表明“页边距”的大小,首行缩进以及分栏的宽度。


The document work area is where the user creates their “Word Document”.文档工作区域指创建Word文档的地方。

Common Commands 常见指令

File > New文件 > 新建To create a new blank document.创建新的空白文档。
File > Save文件 >  保存To save a file for the first time.首次保存文件。
File > Save As文件 >  另存为To save updates made to a file that has already been saved.在已经保存的文件基础上,每次更新都应该保存。
File > Open文件 >  打开Allows you to continue working on a document that has already been saved and closed.此项指令允许你在已经打开及关闭的文件上继续工作。
File > Print文件 > 打印Allows the user to send a document to a printer.向打印机发送一个文档进行打印。
File > Properties文件 > 属性Allows you to embed details such as author and copyright此项指令指添加细节信息比如作者和版权。
File > Exit文件 > 退出To close a program once finished.关闭程序。
Edit > Cut编辑 > 剪切To remove an item from its location so it can be moved.把一个信息从原来位置移去从而可以移到其他位置。
Edit > Copy编辑 > 复制makes a duplicate of an item.把一个信息再次呈现出来与之前的完全一致。
Edit > Paste编辑 > 粘贴Inserts an item that has been “Cut” or “Copied”插入被“剪切”或“复制”的信息。
Edit > Find编辑 > 查找Allows the user to search the document for a specific word or phrase.可在文档中查询某个特定的词或词组。
Edit > Replace编辑 > 替换Allows the user to change a word or phrase throughout the entire document.可在整个文档中改变某个词或词组。
View >  Normal视图 > 普通Standard program view.标准的文档查看方式。
View > Web Layout视图 >Web版式Program view for designing web content.指设计网页内容的文档查看方式。
View > Print Layout视图 >页面Program view optimized for viewing how the document will look when printed.当文档被打印出来时的文档查看方式。
View > Outline视图  > 大纲Allows the user to quickly view the content in a document.可快速浏览文档的信息。

Vocabulary 词汇

Cell单元格An individual block of information in a “Table”.一个表格中的信息模块。
Column分栏A vertical set of “Cells” in a “Table”.一个表格中的竖直单元格。
Font字体The visual styling of the letters or symbols used in your document. 

Font Size字体大小The size of the Font in your document. the standard Font Size for a document is 12Pt.文档中的字体大小。标准的字体大小为12pt。
Glossary词汇表A list of words specific to the document, and their meanings.文件特定的列表词汇。
Hyper Link超链接An area of text in your document that will open a website when clicked.文档中的一个文本当点击时会打开一个网站。
Margin页边距The outer edge of a page where there should be no type or photos.一个页面的边距,不许打字或插入图片。
Microsoft WordMicrosoft WordThe program used on Windows for creating text documents.该程序在Windows上使用,用于创建文本文档。
PagesPagesThe program used on Apple (MAC) for creating text documents.该程序在Apple (MAC)上使用,用于创建文本文档。
Project Title标题A description about the document and its contents.对该文档及其内容的描述。
Project Header
页眉A Project Header is on the top of every page. Headers will include your Name and Grade. Information will be located on the top right of the page.页眉是在每一页的顶部。页眉包括姓名和年级,写在页面的右上角。
Project Footer页脚A Project Footer is on the bottom of every page. The Project Footer can be used to include important information such as your school or project subject.页脚在每一页的底部。页脚可注上重要的信息比如学习或项目名称。
Reference引用A Reference is an indication of where the original information used in your document comes from. Photos, Statistics, and any text used from another source should be referenced.引用是一个指示文档中使用的信息来自何处。照片,统计和从其他任何文本都应该被引用。
RowA horizontal set of “Cells” in a “Table”.表格中的水平的单元格。
Section Title小标题A Description about a section in the document. This is a title that is less important than the Document Title.文档中一个部分的描述。这个标题没有文档标题那么重要。
Stylized Type突出形式When the type in your document is made to stand out. This draws attention to important parts of your document (Examples: BOLD, Italic, Underline).文档中突出的部分,重要且引人注目(例子: 黑体 BOLD, 斜体 Italic, 强调 Underline)。
Table表格A Table is a method for organizing information in a document. It is made of many “Cells” in Horizontal Rows, and Vertical “Columns”. 表格是文档中组织信息的方式,是由多个小的垂直和水平栏的单元格组成。
Table of Contents表格内容A page in your document that tells the readers what is included in your document.告知读者文档中所包括的内容。
Word Document文字文档A Document that is mostly words.主要是文字形式的一个文档。

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