Trigonometry & Scientific Calculators APPs 三角函数式&科学计算器应用程序

Understanding how to to create properly formatted equations in a document is an important skill; however, you should also be able to understand how to use these formulas to solve for missing variables as well.


In this project you will create a Trigonometry formula reference guide which will help you in your math classes; however some of the values in the example are missing. You will need to solve for these missing variables using the scientific calculator on your computer. You can use either the free calculator that is preinstalled on your computer, or you can use one of the many free online scientific calculators.


Try using one of these online resources to complete your project:

This project has 6 formulas in total. There are the 3 standard Trig Ratios which include “Sine”, “Cosine” and “Tangent”, and 3 the Inverse Ratios which include “Cosecant”, “Secant”, and “Cotangent”. The table below shows how the corresponding “Inverse Ratios” are created from its corresponding “Trig Ratio”.


Note: It is important to understand the process used to create the “Inverse Ratios” since some scientific calculators do not have dedicated  “Cosecant”, “Secant”, and “Cotangent” functions. When a calculator dose not have dedicated functions for the “Inverse Ratios”, you will need to solve for the variable using the Inverted Ratio shown in the second column.


Special Note: There can only be one “Co” per “Trig Ratio” pair.

Labeling Trigonometric Diagrams 标记三角图

When Labeling a Triangle we should use LARGE letters to label the Angles, and small letter to label the three sides of a Triangle. In order to make it easier for use to learn Trigonometric Equations a standard labeling convention is used. We start with the smallest Angle in a Triangle. This angle is referred to as Angle A or <A for short. “Side a” is “Opposite” to <A. Anglesare labeled in order of size, with the largest “Angle” being <C. Therefore if we are solving for <A then “side a” is the “Opposite”, “side b” is the “Adjacent”, and “side c” is the “Hypotenuse”.


Solving Trig Ratios 求三角比

If we want to solve for <A  and we know the length of “side a” and “side b” then we would need to use the “Tangent formula”. We use this formula because of the variables that we already know and can use to solve for the missing angle. Solve the equation if:


<A= Unknown
Side a = 1cm
Side b = 3cm 

If you entered the equation into your calculator correctly you should have got the answer “<A = 18.43º”. Can you determine the the value for “<B” on your own?


Converting Degrees to Radians 将度转换为弧度

When solving Trigonometric equations you should also be aware of if you are solving the equations using “Degrees” or “Radians”. Either method is fine, but you need to make sure that if you are using a measurement of an “Angel” that you have selected “Degrees” on your calculator; however, some calculators will require you to covert “Degrees” to “Radians” so it is important to know how to do this conversion. In order to convert degrees to radians  to solve Trigonometric equations you need to use the formula:


Additional Resources 额外资源

If you are using a word processor that does not have a formula editor tool, you can create formulas and export them as an image for free at: 


You can also use the WolframAlpha Conceptual Knowledge Engine to research different topics related to the math and sciences. You can solve equations by entering them into the search field, or you can search for answers on a topic question as well. The website for WolframAlpha is:


Project Instructions 项目说明

  1. Change the document type to A4
  2. Create an MLA formatted document that has:
    • A header with your last name auto page #
    • A project leader with your full name, teacher, class and date
    • A project title
    • A footer with the schools name
  3. Use tables to effectively organize information
  4. Insert all required diagrams in the correct locations
  5. Format objects using the “properties” window
  6. Use the formula editor tool to create all required formulas
  7. Practice using a scientific calculator on the computer
  8. Use the correct Trig Ratio to solve for “<A”, “<B”, and side “c”
  9. Use the correct Inverse Ratio to solve for side “c” in the second example
  10. Round all answers to 2 decimal places.

NOTE: When solving for side “c”in the second example you will need to determine what settings your calculator has. You may need to manually convert “Degrees” to “Radians”, and you might also need to use the “Inverted Form” of the formula or rewrite the “Inverse Ratio” to solve for this variable. If you need help you should ask the the teacher.


Project: Trigonometry Ratios 项目:三角比 

When you are done your assignment save the document as:
“First Name”_“Last Name”_Trigonometry.docx

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