Unit 2 Reading Comprehension 第二单元阅读理解

The following activity will assess your reading comprehension. Therefore, no Chinese translations will be provided. If you find the reading easy then you are making good progress towards developing fluency. If this reading difficult to comprehend without a translation then you will want to continue learning more vocabulary words and practice your reading and writing skills. But most importantly, don’t get discouraged. It takes time to master a second language.


The South Asian Tsunami

On December 26th, 2004 a deadly earthquake  occurred on the west coast of Sumatra. The earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was forced under the Burma Plate during a massive earthquake. This type of fault is know as a subjective or convergent fault. Subjective faults create devastating earthquakes know as “Mega Thrusts”, and if the epicenter is located under water deadly tsunamis can form. 

The Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake was the largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph with a magnitude of 9.1-9.3. The tsunami that followed was one of the most deadly natural disasters in recorded history. When the tsunami hit the costal regions surrounding the Indian Ocean, the waves were up to 3 meters high. Entire communities were washed away and over 230,000 people in fourteen countries were killed.

Indonesia was the region hit hardest by tsunami and had over 170,000 casualties. According to relief agencies, one-third of deaths were small children who were the least able to resist being overcome by the surging waters. The devastation was so bad that a state of emergency was declared in several countries. Soon after the tsunami, the worldwide community donated more than $14 billion American dollars to assist with humanitarian aid in the effected regions.

World Wide Casualties of the South Asian Tsunami

CountryConfirmed DeadEstimated DeadDisplaced
Sri Lanka35,32235,322516,150
Myanmar (Burma)614003,200

Short Answer

  1. What is the title of the Article?
  2. What earthquake was the largest earthquake ever recorded?
  3. How many people were killed as a result of this disaster?
  4. How much money was donated for relief efforts?
  5. According to the chart, how many people were displaced by the disaster?

Multiple Choice

  1. The Earthquake occurred on ____?
    • 2005/12/26
    • 2004/12/26
    • 2004/11/25
    • 2004/12/24
  2. The Indian Plate was forced under the ____ Plate?
    • Sumatra-Andaman
    • Mega Thrusts
    • Sumatra
    • Burma
  3. Indonesia estimated death toll was _____?
    • 18,045
    • 167,799
    • 35,322
    • 130,736
  4. What was the magnitude of the earthquake?
    • 9.1-9.2
    • 9.1-9.3
    • 9.2.-9.4
    • 9.1-9.4
  5. According to relief agencies, one-third of deaths were ____?
    • Small children
    • Elderly
    • Indonesians
    • tourist

Write about a short summary of the article.

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