Why is English so difficult to learn? 为什么英语这么难学?
During the next several classes we will explore some of the reasons why it is difficult to learn English. We will also cover many different learning strategies that will help you overcome these challenges so that you can learn English properly; however before we start I want you to think about why you think it is difficult to learn English.
Instructions 简介
For this project you will be required to write a 250 word essay explaining why you think it is difficult to learn English. Make sure you provide examples to support your opinion. Your response for this project should be based on your own personal experiences learning English so you do not need to do any research for this project.
Requirements 要求
You will need to write two separate essay drafts for this project. Write your rough draft first. Then make corrections to your rough draft before you complete your final essay. You will be required to submit both copies when you are finished. Make sure you formate your essay using the MLA standard (see the next page for details). Your essay should include an introduction, a body paragraph, and a closing paragraph or statement.
你需要写一篇草稿和一篇终稿。先写草稿,进行编辑和修改,再完成终稿。草稿和终稿都需要上交给我。 同时确保文章使用MLA标准(详见下页)。你的文章应该包括三个部分:介绍、正文和结尾。
Word Limits 字数要求
200 words minimum – 300 words maximum
最少200字 ≈- 最多300字
Basic MLA Instructions MLA简介
Make sure you use the MLA format when writing your essay. This will include: writing your full name at the top of the paper, writing your teachers name second, the class that this project is for third, and the date forth. Then think of a meaningful title for your essay. Your title should be centred on the page. After the title you will write the main body of your essay. Make sure double space (write on every other line) what you write. Look at the MLA project example below:
MLA Project Example MLA例子
Student Quotes
“Life and environment are important thing to help us learn English.” ~Carol
“We seldom use English in our daily lives”, but it is important to remember that “failing is not terrible, but it is terrible to lose your confidence.” ~Park
“We don’t often use English in our daily lives only in the classroom.” and “it’s easy to forget without practice.” ~Tom
“We can’t often use English to communicate, this is not a sound environment for leaning English” and “the subconscious mind is afraid of English.” ~Nicole
“As we speak Chinese in our daily lives it’s hard for use to learn English because is really different from Chinese.” ~Molly
“Most Chinese students learn English and speak English only in class.” ~Iris
“Grammar is Difficult!” ~Aaron
“The main difficulties of learning English are vocabulary, grammar, and tense. They are all important.” ~Ada
“The grammar of English is opposite to Chinese. So it is hard for Chinese people to learn English.” ~Ivanka
“There are sixteen kinds of tense, and every kind has its usages, like have been, has been, have gone, has gone, and so on.” ~Eileen
“English is like an awful dream for Chinese students.” “English words are composed of just 26 letters but after combination it will become very difficult.”~Charlie
“English has just twenty-six letters, but many of the words have many different meanings.” ~Duke
“English also has phonetic symbols and difficult grammar”, and “I think learning English is difficult because we need to remember every words spelling and pronunciation.” ~Vincent
“It is hard to distinguish phonetic symbols” – “In addition there are many odd idiomatic expression.” ~Gavin
“Some people don’t know any words so when they read hard articles then they lose confidence in themselves, so they think English is very difficult.” ~Shirley
“Many students have no interest in English. They don’t like English so they cant learn English well.” ~Mimi