Style Attributes | Font 样式属性 | 字体:

The font attribute can be used to stylize the flow content (or text) in an HTML element. There are many font attributes that are very specific; however there are two very important font attributes that are commonly used. The most commonly used font attributes include: “font-size” and “font-family”. 


Syntax 语法:

The font-family attribute is written as 字体系列属性写为:

style-name{font-family:verdana, arial, sans-serif; }

style-name{font-family:georgia, times, serif; }

Note: A font-family usually has more than one font listed, and the order of the fonts in the list can be modified. The provided example only includes three font types; however a font-family can have as many fonts as the programer wants to include, and fonts should be listed in their preferred order by the programer. If a computer does not have the preferred font installed then the next font in the list will be used instead. If none of the preferred fonts are available then a generic font will be used.


The font-size attribute is written using any of the following three methods: 


style-name{font-size:____%; }

style-name{font-size:____pt; }

style-name{font-size:____px; }

Example 例:

Continue to the next example: Style Attributes – Color