Creating an Algebra Formula Sheet in a Word Processor 在文字处理器中创建代数公式表

Writing essays using the MLA format is a very common skill students need to master; however there are many other uses for a Word Processor. Word Processors can also be used to create technical documents for subject such as the Math or Science. Knowing how to label diagrams correctly and how to create formulas in a document are valuable skills.


In this project you will focus on several different technical skills that will help you create a variety of technical documents. To complete this project you will create a document with tables, insert objects into cells, and create mathematical equations using the “formula editor” tool.


You will also use the online graphing calculator on the “Desmos Math” website to graph all the equations in this project. Try experimenting by changing the values of each variable in the provided polynomial equations. Observe how the changes affects the shape of the function. You will also need to find missing values for the following three (3) function examples: Linear, Circler, and Ellipse. 

此外,使用“Desmos Math”网站上的在线图形计算器绘制此项目中的所有方程式。尝试通过改变提供的多项式方程中的变量值来进行实验。观察这些变化如何影响函数的形状。并找出以下三(3)个函数的缺失值:线性、圆形和椭圆。

You can access the Desmos Math Graphing calculator for free at:
免费使用 Desmos数学图形计算器:

NOTE: All of the missing function values in the example section are whole numbers and may be either a positive or negative integers. There are there (3) functions missing values in the example section, and each of these functions need two (2) different values to be considered complete.


Additional Resources 额外资源

If you are using a word processor that does not have a formula editor tool, you can create formulas and export them as an image for free at: 


Project Instructions 项目说明

  1. Change the document type to A4
  2. Create an MLA formatted document that has:
    • A header with your last name auto page #
    • A project leader with your full name, teacher, class and date
    • A project title
    • A footer with the schools name
  3. Use tables to effectively organize information
  4. Insert all required diagrams in the correct locations
  5. Use the formula editor tool to create all required formulas
  6. Use DESMOS Math to graph all equations online and find all the missing values
    使用DESMOS Math在线绘制所有方程式并查找所有缺失的值

Algebra Math Sheet – Page 1 (Front) 代数数学表第一页(正面)

Algebra Math Sheet – Page 2 (Back) 代数数学表第二页(背面)

When you are done your assignment save the document as: 
“First Name”_“Last Name”_ Algebra.docx

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