Introductory Letter 介绍信

In this project you will write a letter to introduce yourself to the teacher. A proper letter will include a heading with the address of the intended recipient. Please see “The Standard Letter Example” on the next page for reference. The address is included at the top of a standard letter so when you place your letter in an envelope the address will appear in the envelope’s plastic window.


Take a look at the image below. Notice how a standard A4 letter will get folded 2 times and then place into the envelope. Think about what other information is required if we are going to mail a letter. Where do the return address and stamp go? Why do you think we need to include a return address and stamp when we mail a letter?


When mailing a traditional letter it will be very important to format it properly. Now think about how important it will be to format an application letter for a University that you want to apply for. What do you think will happen if you do not format your application letter correctly? What other reasons can you think of which might require you to write a formal letter?


Since we will not be mailing this self introduction we will not need to include the address of the recipient at the top of the letter. Instead of mailing your self introduction to the teacher you will post it to the EDMODO assignment submission page.


NOTE: keep in mind that a formal letter, email, or digital post will have many similarities, but remember that there are several differences as well. 


Instructions: Review the “The Standard Letter Example” on the next page for specific details about what should be included in your letter. Since you will be submitting a digital post online there are two things we do not need to include: the first is the address at the start of the letter, and the second is your signature.


I look forward to receiving your self introductions and getting the chance to know everyone better.


The Standard Letter Example 标准信函示例 

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