Applying Math to the Study of Color 数学在色彩研究中的应用

Using mathematical equations the statistical probability and the number of individuals who are likely to have a visual anomaly within a population can be determined with a relatively high degree of accuracy. Using various demographics such as the size of a target population, the gender ratio between males and females, and the ethnic diversity of the sample population, a mathematician is able to estimate the probable number of individuals with visual anomalies. 


Even without solving for specific variables, a basic understanding of the dominate genetic factors amongst different genders and ethnic groups allows for professional designers to quickly estimate the probability of individuals with visual anomalies that might be in an audience. This information can be important in determine an acceptable error margin for the number of people who may no be able to view specific information, make alterations to the design and colors used in a presentation, or make an appropriate number of customized documents handouts to give to individuals with various visual anomalies who may be attending the presentation. Although this might seam like a bit much for a school presentation, professional designers are constantly being held to the highest standard when creating presentations for large corporate events. 


For example countries like Korea which has the most homogeneous population in Asia with 99.9% of its population being of Korean decent, or countries like Japan where 98.5% of its inhabitants are of Japanese decent, are both countries which have a population that is almost entirely Asian. Based on standard probabilities the instances of visual anomalies within an audience will be much lower than in European countries like  Poland where 98.2% of its population is Polish (Caucasian – Northern European). Based on standard probability with Asian having a probability of 3.1% and Northern Europeans having up to 8% probability for visual anomalies, it can estimated that the probability of modifications being needed in the same presentation are 2.58 times higher when the presentation is done in Poland than in either Korea or Japan. Furthermore counties like Lesotho which has the most concentrated population of individuals with African decent with 99.7% of the population being native Sotho, and individuals of African decent having the lowest probability of having the defective X-chromosome, the probability of visual anomalies in this country is statistically the lowest in the world.


Using Mathematical Algorithms to Create Color Simulations 利用数学算法创建颜色模拟

In 1931 the organization known as The International Commission on Illumination, or C.I.E., was established to regulate and promote the scientific study of color. The goal of the organization was to established the first scientific system of colour. C.I.E. established that there are actually 2 sets of primary colors. These are the Additive Primary colors of light and 条、the Subtractive Primary colors of matter.


In-order to scientifically study colors every possible color that could be created needed to be mathematically indexed, and a standardized reference point established. To do this A method of describing colours based on three criteria, Hue, Lightness, and Saturation (H.L.S.) was created. By mapping colors based on these three criteria a three-dimensional color map of every possible color was created. These three-dimensional color maps are known as color spaces, and the Lab Colour space was developed as a reference space that all other colour spaces are based off on. Lab colour encompasses every colour that is theoretically possible in the electromagnetic spectrum. Each Colour Space has a defined colour environment which has distinct colour characteristics and limitations. The limitation of a color space is known as its gamut. The term gamut refers to the achievable range of colour that a colour space can reproduce when compared to the full range of colours that are theoretically possible in the Lab Color Space.


The use of computer technology has allowed the study of color to advance significantly in the past few decades. Using complex computers algorithms a mathematician or computer technician can now create accurate color simulations based on the scientific study of color. For example, every color that is theoretically possible in the electromagnetic spectrum can be identified mathematically based on its H.L.S. values. By cross-referencing a colors known values to its perceived values, or the value in which it has been reproduce, the difference in the color reproduction can be calculated. By mapping the color discrepancies a custom color profile or color simulation can be created for any number of applications. These include but are not limited to simulation the output color of s specific device such as a computer monitor, projector, or printer. Color simulations can also be created to simulate chromatic visual anomalies so that individuals with normal color vision can see how a design will look by someone who has a specific visual impairment. The designer can then customize or modify their designs to maximize the visual legibility of their designs.  


Chromatic Anomalies Color Simulation

Illustration by: Scott A. Campbell

The “Chromatic Anomalies Color Simulation” above recreates the visible light spectrum as seen by individuals with different types of visual anomalies. With the exception of Achromatopsia all other visual anomalies are able to see certain colors. By looking at the color simulation above several generalizations can be deduced. The colors blue and yellow are highly visible and can be seen by the majority of the population; however vibrant colors like magenta, orange, vivid shades of green, and red can be difficult to differentiate form one another for individuals with different visual anomalies.   


Tonal Progression 色调级

All colors can be thought of as a tone within a tonal progression from black to white. It is often difficult to think of colors as a tone and not of the color we see; however understanding a colors tonal value is an important aspect when analyzing how much contrast there is between two different colors in a design. Look at the tonal scale below:


Now think about the different colors shown in the color spectrum. Where would colors such as yellow and blue be place on this scale if we consider the colors tonality? Is there a large difference in tonality between these two colors? If we use these two colors together in a design will we have good contrast and legibility? What about colors such as crimson and azure, or orange and olive?


Tonal Matrix 色调阵

The tonal matrix below show the legibility of different tonal combinations based on contrast values. Ideally a minimum contrast ratio of 50% is desirable; however lower contrast ratios can be seen with some difficulty. The larger the contrast ratio is between two colors the easier it will be to see the different elements in a design. 


Note: Although this matrix is in black and white only, any color can be substituted for any tonal value. For example blue has a tonal value of about 80% while yellow has a tonal value of about 20%. The contrast ratio between the two is a difference of 60% and will be legible even to individuals with chromatic visual anomalies.


Colors in Design 设计中的颜色

Colors can imply many different types of emotions. Used effectively color can be a strong design element. 


The theory of psychological color effect is used in many different creative fields. Graphic designers use color theory when choosing colors and color combinations that they will use in a document. Corporate marketing agents will use color theory when designing corporate identities and promotional materials for their clients. Movie directors will use color theory when lighting a movie set in-order to create a particular mood for a scene. Even if we do not notice the specific applications of color and are completely unaware of its affects on our subconscious, the use of color influences every aspect of our daily lives. Every product that we buy, to every ad we see has had its colors carefully chosen by a professional designer based on the subconscious effects and emotions that will be experienced by the final viewer. 


Although colors can portray many different emotions, the effective use of color in creative fields is more complicated than just simply using the color. Context is very important in understanding the effective uses of color in design. Many colors can portray many different emotions depending on the surrounding context and cultural perceptions of the target market.


Red is an example of a color which has two very different associated emotions. In one context the color red might be used to portray love, while in a different situation the color red might portray hate or anger. The English expression “red with anger” is commonly illustrated in Western cartoons where a villains face will become bright red when they are angry that one of their evil plans has failed. What other examples can you think of where the color red is used to convey an emotion? Can you think of any other idiom that uses color to portray meaning such as the phrase “green with envy”?


Color Meanings in Design 设计中的颜色含义

Yellow 黄色
Attention Cheerful Childish (Naive) Optimism注意 愉悦 天真(幼稚) 乐观
Attraction Stand Out (Unique) Wealth Youthfulness吸引 突出(独特) 财富 年轻
Caring Empathy Love Sympathetic (Tenderness)关爱 同情 爱心 怜悯(亲切)
Red 红色
Anger Energy Hunger Love (Passion)愤怒 能量 饥饿 热爱(激情)
Purple 紫色Arrogant or Childish Luxury (Royal) Mysterious Sadness自大或幼稚 奢侈(贵族) 神秘 伤感
Blue 蓝色Calm Faith (Trust) Smart and Stable Power镇定 信念(信任) 聪颖和稳定 力量
Green 绿色Soothing Eco-Friendly Envy Jealousy温和 环保 羡慕 嫉妒
Black黑色Bold Evil Rich, Powerful, Elegant Strength大胆 邪恶 富有,权利,优雅 力气

Describing Color 描述颜色

The following is a list of terminology which is specific to the study of color.

Additive Color加色 A color system where colors will become brighter when they are mixed together.当颜色混合在一起时会变得更亮的颜色系统。
Ambient Light Effect

环境光效应An illusion where the color characteristics of an image seem to have different tonality and hue when viewed under a different light sources. Example: a change in the perceived color of an image when it is viewed under daylight and then tungsten light. 一种错觉,在不同光源下观察时,图像颜色特征具有不同的色调和色调。示例:在日光和钨光下观看图像时,图像的感知颜色发生变化。
饱和The intensity of color. 颜色的强度。
Complement 补充色A color opposite in hue. Example: a color located on the opposite side of the color wheel. 色调相反的颜色。示例:位于色轮另一侧的颜色
Contrast 对比度The visual attribute that allows colors to be distinguished from one another. This is a function of a difference in the tonal value between colors. 允许颜色彼此区分的视觉属性。这是颜色之间色调值差异的函数。
Dynamic Range 动态范围The amount of contrast between the lightest and darkest points in an image. Also used to describe the maximum recording limit of a medium such as film. 图像中最亮点和最暗点之间的对比度。也用于描述介质(如胶片)的最大记录极限。
Fluorescence荧光A phenomenon where a substance changes ultraviolet light into visible white light. This makes the color appear brighter than its surroundings. 一种物质将紫外线变为可见白光的现象。这使颜色看起来比周围环境更亮。
Hue色调A difference in color along the visible light spectrum. 沿可见光光谱的颜色差异。
Secondary Color 次生色,混合色A color which is made as a result of mixing two primary colors together. 由两种原色混合而成的颜色。
Shade 阴影A darker variation of a color as a resulting from the addition of a black pigment.因添加黑色颜料而引起的颜色的较暗变化。
Spectrum 光谱The progression of visible light from red through violet.可见光从红色到紫色的过程。
Subtractive Color 减色A system of color where colors become darker when they are mixed together. 当颜色混合在一起时会变暗的一种颜色系统。
Tint 淡色彩A lighter variant of a color as a resulting from the addition of a white pigment. 一种颜色的较浅变体,由于添加了白色颜料而产生。
Value 色值The range of a colors tonality ranging from bright shades to dark tones, where white and black are the two extreme values. 颜色色调的范围从明暗色调到暗色调,其中白色和黑色是两个极端值。

Color Schemes

Accent color重点色A color that is added to a composition which does not belong to any particular color combination and is used to add visual interest or a focal point to the image.添加到构图中的一种颜色,不属于任何特定的颜色组合,用于给图像增加视觉趣味或焦点。
Double Complement 双重补色The combinations of two adjacent colors (including different values of the color) in the color star.色星中两种相邻颜色(包括颜色的不同值)的组合。
Monochrome单色A color scheme using varying values of only one color. 仅使用一种颜色的不同值的配色方案。
Split Complement分裂补色A Color scheme consisting of an accent color and the two colors to either side of its complement on the color wheel.一种配色方案,由一种强调色和两种颜色组成,分别位于色轮补色的两侧。
Triad三色Color combinations that are made from mixing colors from either the additive or subtractive color primaries.由加色或减色原色混合而成的颜色组合
Wide Analogous宽类比Color combinations which encompass a wide range of adjacent colors and may include up to half of the hues and tones in the color wheel. 组合颜色包括范围广泛的相邻颜色,并可能包括色轮中多达一半的色调和色调。

Design Terminology 设计术语

Busy Background复杂背景A background image with many design elements. This makes identifying the main object or focal point difficult. Since busy backgrounds reduce the legibility of key elements and content, they are typically considered as a bad design choice. 具有许多设计元素的背景图像。这使得识别主要对象或焦点变得困难。由于复杂的背景会降低关键元素和内容的易读性,因此它们通常被视为糟糕的设计选择。
Dominant Element      (Focal Point)主导元素(焦点)The most significant object in a design which draws the viewers attention. 吸引观众注意力的设计中最重要的对象。
Legibility清晰度The ability to clearly see and discern the difference between the elements of a design. 能够清楚地看到和辨别设计元素之间的差异
Vanishing Boundaries消失边界The inability to discern adjacent elements from one another because the two colors are similar in value. This results in the two elements blending into one another making them look like a single element. 由于两种颜色的值相似而无法区分相邻元素。这导致两个元素相互混合,使它们看起来像一个元素。
Varying Backgrounds变化背景A surface which has a gradation between two or more colors or shades.在两种或两种以上颜色或色调之间具有渐变的表面。
Vibrating Boundaries振动边界A phenomena which causes visual irritation to the viewer when two adjacent elements in a design are identical in value but are significantly different in hue. This phenomena makes it appear is if the colors are vibrating but is actually a result of eye fatigue.当一个设计中的两个相邻元素的值相同,但色调明显不同时,会对观看者造成视觉刺激的一种现象。如果颜色在振动,但实际上是眼睛疲劳的结果,这种现象就会出现。

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