Teacher Spotlight (October 1st 2021) History Alive

Eniola Adediran-Olade
(M.A History)
Ms Ennie is a Historian and a professional history teacher who is eager to share her enthusiasm for all things historical. She thinks that history should be taught as “Active History” in the twenty-first century, a history for the future that can be readily comprehended in and out of the classroom. In this proposal, history is scaled from reading and criticism to fabrication. She raises the issue of whether the subject knowledge is sufficient to teach history. What will your technologically savvy generation of high school students do with the incredible information that has been impacted? What if learners could study history while touching it? As a result, she joins digital humanists to examine history via a “maker-oriented” approach and teach it using interactive and experimental methods. In the future, she hopes to concentrate on an interdisciplinary approach to history studies through digital humanities.
In this Teacher Spotlight you will be able to see History come alive in new and exciting way.