Introduction to Aviation Design 航空设计简介
Sea Otter & Safety Light Control System 海獭式飞机和安全灯控制系统
In this project you will explore the concepts and methods that are used to design and build real airplanes. Through the process of cutting and bending a flat sheet of material you will create new 3-dimensional forms that are much stronger than the original material. You will then design, build, and install all of the electronics needed to create all of the necessary safety light systems that are required on all regulation planes.
Chief Engineer | 总工程师: | ________________________ | |
Electrical Engineer | 电气工程师: | ________________________ | |
General Contractor | 总承包人: | _______________________ | (group with 4 people) |
Marketing Director | 市场总监: | ________________________ |
Roles and Responsibilities 分工&职责
Everyone in the group needs to help each other at all times; however, each person in the group should focus on a particular section of the project based on their individual area of expertise (i.e. someone who is good with working with materials should be your Chief Engineer, etc.). The main responsibilities of each role in the design team is outlined below:
Chief Engineer: Is responsible for overseeing the construction of the aircraft, coordinating the groups activities, selecting the appropriate materials, and ensuring that the correct process and procedures are followed at all times.
Electrical Engineer: is responsible for overseeing the development of all of the necessary control circuits, ensuring the the appropriate cabling is run through the body of the plane and that the correct components are installed (i.e. the correct colour of light for each of the navigation, beacon, and anti collision lights).
General Contractor: The general contractor is a jack of all trades. They should assist in all aspects of the planes construction as needed. This would include engineering, electronics, and marketing.
Marketing director: Is primarily responsible for documenting the entire design process. The Marketing director should take photos and videos of the entire design process and create a documentary (a behind the scene video) of their teams process. This video should include time laps videos, music, and interviews.
Project Overview 项目概述
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