Introduction to Colour Theory 色彩理论简介

Most people are only aware of 3 primary colours; however there are actually 6 different primary colours which are divided into two different primary sets. These are the Additive and Subtractive Colour systems, and these colour systems each have three unique Primary Colours; furthermore it is important to note that both colour systems are completely opposite to the other.


As such it is important to understand that colour is a result of light being reflected by an object; therefore colour is the interaction between light which is a form of energy, and of matter which is either absorbing or reflecting that energy. This correlation of energy and mater begins to emphasize the science behind colour. This establishes the importance of considering the complexity that this correlation implies.


Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is a form of radiation. The visible light spectrum ranges between a short wave length of 400nm (violet), to a long wave length of 700nm (red), and our ability to see colour is a result of that reflected light being absorbed by photoreceptors in our eyes. As each object will reflect light differently our eyes will perceive a different colour based on the wavelength of light being reflected by the object. It is also important to consider that energy and matter are opposite to each other and have an inverse correlation. This is why there are two unique colour systems. The Additive colour system of light and the Subtractive colour system of matter. 


Summary 概要

In summary the Additive primary colours are the primary colours of light. When various colours of light are mixed together the total light energy of the colours will combine to become a brighter colour. Subtractive primary colours are the primary colours of matter such as pigments or inks. When various colours of matter are mixed together the colours will absorb some of the light energy that the other colour would have reflected. Since each colour reduces the amount of light being reflected the resulting colour will be darker.



Additive Colour System 加法色系

Additive colours are the 3 primary colours of light and is the colour system used by computer screens. Red, Blue, and Green pixels create every combination of colour that you see when viewing images on the computer screen. When various colours of light are mixed the resulting colour will become brighter, and white light is the combination of every colour of light, whereas black is the absence of light.


Subtractive Colour System 减法色系

Subtractive colours are the 3 primary colours of matter and is the colour system used by different printing processes. Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta inks are used to create the various colours you see when you print a document. When inks are mixed the resulting colour becomes darker. Black is the combination of every colour of ink, whereas white is the absence of all colours which reveals the white of the paper.


Applying Colour Theory 应用颜色理论

There is often confusion between colours like white and black when individuals have an incomplete understanding of colour theory. The argument that both white and black are a combination of every colour is a common debate amongst many students. The following section should help clarify this common misconception.


Example 举例:

When paints are mixed together the resulting colour will continue to get darker. This is because paint is a form of matter. When a colour is added each colour will absorb some of the light energy that would have been reflected by the other colour. Eventually all the light energy will be absorbed by the different colours and light will no longer be reflected. When this happens there will be an absence of light energy being reflected and the colour black will be seen. In conclusion black is the combination of all colours. Since black is the combination of all colours many people may conclude that white must be the absence of colour; however it is important to understand the difference between additive and subtractive colour systems. 


Since paint is a substance and is not a form of energy the rules of the Subtractive Primary system apply. When colours are mixed each colour will reduce, or subtract, from the amount of light energy being reflected; therefore in conclusion we can state that black is the combination of all colours of matter.


However light, which is a form of energy is the exact opposite of matter. When different colours of light are added together the resulting colour will be brighter. For example if green and red light is blended together the resulting colour will be a bright yellow. This is because the red and green light energy will combine to create a brighter colour with more light energy. This is the opposite of if paints were mixed together. If you mix green and red paints together each colour would absorb some of the light energy that would have been reflected by the other colour. This would result in the colour becoming darker, and for this example the colour brown would be created instead of yellow.


To conclude our example we can state that the colour white is the combination of every colour of light, whereas black is the combination of every colour in matter and is seen as black because it is absorbing every wavelength of light in the visible spectrum


Describing Colour 描述颜色

A TINT is a lighter version of a colour, whereas a SHADE is a darker version of that same colour; therefore pink is a lighter TINT of the colour red, and Maroon is a darker SHADE.

The Colour Star 色星

The Colour Star below shows all 6 primary colours which includes the 3 additive primary colours (Red, Blue, and Green) and the 3 subtractive primary colours (Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow). This particular Colour Star shows the various shades and tints of each of the primary colours with shades becoming increasingly darker towards the center and lighter tints towards the outside tips of each colour wedge. Between each colour wedge is the intermediate colour which is created by mixing the two adjacent primary colours together. These diamond shape colour swatches show the 6 intermediate colours (Crimson, purple, Azure, Aqua, Olive, and Orange).


Colours as they would appear in the colour spectrum 颜色在色谱中的显示

Visiblelight consists of a range of wavelengths along the electromagnetic spectrum, and our perception of colour is a result of our eyes which can detect these differences. Visible light ranges from violet to red; however the colour magenta does not exist as a single wavelength anywhere along the electromagnetic spectrum.


Magenta is known as an “extraspectral” colour which results from superimposing violet and red wave lengths. The discovery of magenta by Sir Isaac Newton was a significant development in the study of colour theory because it allowed for the creation of the first scientifically balanced colour wheel.


An Introduction to Chromatic Visual Anomalies

The term colour blindness is commonly used to describe various visual anomalies that result in reduced colour vision; however the term colour blindness often results in a misconception about what it means to have such an affliction. Often people think that individuals who are colour blind cannot see colour at all; however, in reality almost everyone who is diagnosed as being colour blind are able to see some colour but they see each colour differently that individuals with normal colour vision do. Therefore the term chromatic visual anomalies more accurately describes the affliction as it recognizes that the individual’s ability to recognize colour deviates from the established norm but is still present in some form.


The notion of colour blindness, or more accurately of various chromatic visual anomalies dates back to 1798 when the chemist John Dalton published the first academic paper on the topic. Daltons paper was titled “Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours”. Dalton first made the discover after coming to the realization that his own colour vision was impaired. The general condition was named “Daltonism”, however the scientific term Deuteranopia is now used to describe this specific visual anomaly.

色盲的概念,或更准确地说,色视觉异常的概念追溯到1798年。那时化学家John Dalton发表了第一篇相关的论文。Dalton的论文取名“颜色视觉的奇特事实”。Dalton意识到他自己的视觉是有缺陷的,然后有了此发现。这种普遍症状被取名为”Dalton症”, 而现今用”Deuteranopia”这一科学术语来描述此类特殊的视觉异常。

Furthermore, recent research has proven that chromatic visual anomalies do not affect everyone equally. In fact individuals with Northern European ancestry have the highest probability of having a form of colour vision deficiency with as many as 8% of men and 0.4% of women being afflicted by some form of visual anomaly. The reason that more men are affected by visual anomalies than women is because the genes that are responsible for colour vision are on the X-chromosome. This makes visual anomalies in males much higher as males only have one (1) X-chromosome whereas females have 2; therefore the probability that both colour genes on the X-chromosomes are defective in women is much lower than in males.


There are several different forms of chromatic anomalies and some forms are more common than others. According to Michael Kallonaitis and Charles Luu’s research paper “The Perception of Colour” which was published on July 9th 2007: Deuteranomaly is the most common anomaly with 6% of males and 0.4% of females being afflicted, Protanomaly being the second most common anomaly with 1% of males and 0.01% of females, and Tritanomaly being equally as rare for both males and females with approximently 0.01% for both genders. 

有各种形式的色视觉异常。某些形式更常见。据2007年7月9号Michael Kallonaitis 和 Charles Luu’s的论文“视觉感知”,绿色弱在男性中占6%在女性中占0.4%,位居第一;红色若是第二常见异常症,在男性中占1%女性中占0.01%;蓝色弱在两性中都罕见,比例也都是0.01%。

Ethnicity also has a significant role in determining the statistical probability of visual anomalies. The American Academy Of Ophthalmology conducted a major multi-ethnic study of chromatic visual anomalies amongst a group of preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 6 in Los Angeles, California. The principal investigator was Dr. Varma Rohit who supervised the study. Dr. Varma Rohit was the Chairman of Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Southern California School of Medicine at the time of the study. The study sample size included 4,005 preschoolers. The percentages that were established by the study are as follows:

种族也在色视觉异常的统计中扮演重要角色。美国眼科学协会对加州洛杉矶的3至6岁的多种族学前儿童做了一大研究。主要调查者是Varma Rohit博士,他是当时南加州医学院的系主任。研究样本容量有4005学前儿童。研究得出了一下比例:

  • 5.6% of Caucasian boys were diagnosed with a chromatic visual anomaly 
  • 3.1% of Asian boys were diagnosed with a chromatic visual anomaly
  • 2.6% of Hispanic boys were diagnosed with a chromatic visual anomaly
  • 1.4% of African-American boys were diagnosed with a chromatic visual anomaly

Note: the study concluded that the instances for visual anomalies in female participants was so low that the numbers could not accurately be described; therefore only data pertaining to male participants was published in the study. 


Although findings of different studies vary slightly the results of these various studies continue to support the following generalizations; the probability of having the defective X-chromosome which is responsible for causing a chromatic visual anomaly is significantly higher in males than in females and varies between different ethnic groups. Caucasians have the highest probability of having the defective X-chromosome followed by Asians, Hispanic, and finally individuals of African decent have the lowest probability of having a genetically inherited visual anomaly.


Percentage of the Population with Visual Anomalies

Normal Vison正常视觉83.982%99.052%83.034%
Minor Visual Anomalies 轻微视觉异常8%0.5%8.5%
Deuteranomaly 绿色弱5%0.4%5.4%
Deuteranopia 绿色盲1%0.01%1.01%
Tritanomaly 蓝色弱0.01%0.01%0.02%
Achromatopsia 全色盲<0.0001%<0.0001%<0.0002%
Data by: Dr. Jeff Rabin, OD, PhD, Visual Function Laboratory Ophthalmology Branch USAF School of Aerospace Medicine.

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