Resistor Tree Experiment 分压电路实验概述

In the “Basic Resistor” experiment three simple circuits were created and tested. Each of these circuits used a 1K (1,000Ω) resistor, but other values could have been used. These circuits included a control circuit, a parallel circuit, and a series circuit.  However, none of these circuits included a power supply so there was no electricity flowing through each of the test circuits; therefore the only variable that could  have been tested for was resistance which is measured in Ohms (Ω).

在“基本电阻器”实验中,创建并测试了三个简单电路。每个电路都使用1K(1000Ω) 电阻,但也可以使用其他值。这些电路包括一个控制电路、一个并联电路和一个串联电路,可是,这些电路都不包括电源,因此没有电流经过每个测试电路;因此,可以测试的唯一变量是电阻,即欧姆测量(Ω).

The control circuit, which had a single 1K resistor produced 1.0K Ω of resistance as expected; however, the other two circuits had very different results. The parallel circuit had a resistance value of 0.5K Ω, whereas the series circuit produced 2.0K Ω of resistance. Even though each circuit produced different results, there was a very distinct relationship that could be observed in each scenario. 

控制电路有一个1K电阻能产生1.0KΩ 的阻力;然而,其他两个电路的结果却截然不同。并联电路的电阻值为0.5KΩ, 而串联电路产生2.0KΩ 的电阻。尽管每个电路产生不同的结果,但在每个场景中都可以观察到非常明显的关系。

For Example: the resistance was cut in half when two resistors of equal value were used in parallel to one another, whereas the resistance doubled when two resistors of equal value were used in series.  


In other words, in the “Basic Resistor” experiment, we could have concluded that the resistance is divided by a factor of 2 when two resistors are used in parallel and multiplied by a factor of two when they are used in series. This mathematical relationship works in the given scenario and could also be applied to other combinations where both resistors have the same value. However, would this mathematical relationship work for every possible resistor combination? Or is the relationship more complex than what has been stated here?


From this one observation we may be able to ask several new questions:

  1. What would happen if we had 3 or more resistors in each circuit?
  2. What would happen if the value of the resistors was changed?
  3. What would happen if two resistors of different values were used?
  4. And what affect would resistance have on the flow of electricity if this circuit was expanded upon to include a source of power?

As you can see, developing and testing a hypothesis will generally leave you with just as many questions, or sometimes even more questions, than what you originally had; however, the questions you now have are more complex in nature, and so the cycle of experimentation continues. As stated before, everything starts with an initial observation, which leads to a simple question that can be tested, but the results of  these experiments generally lead to new observations which establishes a framework for even more complex questions being developed, tested and subsequently elaborated on.


Assignment Details 任务明细:

You will be required to build the “Resistor Tree” experiment circuit board in class. Then for homework you will need to complete the first half of your lab report using the “Scientific Method” and proper report formatting conventions.


Introduction to the Resistor Tree Experiment 简介:

Although the “Basic Resistor” experiment has provided us with a better understanding of how resistors work within a circuit, there are still many unanswered questions left to be tested. Therefore, the “Resistor Tree” experiment is aimed at answering some of these new questions.


NOTE 1: It is important to determine what can, and should be, tested in an experiment. For example, if the experiment design is to broad the test results will not be valid. This is because we will not be able to identify which variables caused the other variable to change. Therefore, it is very important to determine what the focus of the experiment will be before designing and testing it.

NOTE 2: The maximum number of variables any experiment can have is two. These are known as “Dependent” and “Independent” variables.


Question: How many variables were there in the “Basic Resistor” experiment? What was it an independent or a dependent variable?


Experiment Design 实验设计:

This experiment will focus on determining how resistance will increase when 2 or more resistors are used in series, and how the change in resistance will affect the electricity (measured in Volts) flowing through the circuit. 


Question: How many variables do we have in this experiment? What are their names? Which variables are the independent and  dependant variables? What justification can you provide to support your answer?


In-order to conduct this experiment a simple series circuit has been created. The circuit is a closed loop circuit with 6 wire taps. The main purpose of these “wire taps” is to allow easy measurements to be taken and recorded at each point of the circuit. In this circuit electricity will flow out of the battery through all five resistors and back to the battery again. Measurements for resistance and voltage will be taken at each wire tap.


NOTE: In this experiment a 9V battery and 1K resistors will be used, but other values could have been used instead.

注:在本实验中将使用9V电池和1K电阻,但也可以使用其他值。Developing your Hypothesis提出假设:

Based on the knowledge that you have gained from the “Basic Resistor” experiment, what do you predict will happen in the “Resistor Tree” experiment?


More specifically, what do you predict the resistance value will be at each wire tap? Do you think voltage will be affected by the changes in resistance? If so, how do you think the voltage will be affected by the stated changes in resistance? Do you think there may be any mathematical correlation between these two values? If so, what might the correlation between these two variables be?


Experiment Design 实验设计:

The experiment uses a simple closed loop circuit design with 6 wire taps being included which allows for easy measurements of the test variables to be taken.


For example measuring resistance from “Tap 1” to “Tap 2” will provide a measurement for a single resistor. Whereas, measuring from “Tap 1” to “Tap 3” will provide a measurement for two resistors in series, and measuring from “Tap 1” to “Tap 6” will provide a measurement for all five resistors.


Likewise, measuring in the opposite direction will allow us to see what the voltage is at each stage of the circuit. For example, measuring volts from “Tap 6” and  “Tap 5” will show what the voltage is at that point (i.e. at Tap 5) in the circuit, and measuring volts from “Tap 6” to “Tap 4” will show what the voltage is at that point (i.e. at Tap 4). 同样,从相反方向测量会得到电路每个阶段的电压,


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