Architectural Design Gala 建筑设计展
At the very end of any major assignment it is a good idea to have a Gala to show off your student work. It’s not that hard. All you need to do is to put all of the student projects out on display and let them walk around, view others, work and discuss what they like and dislike about their peers’ projects. Another great way to showcase your student’s work and accomplishments is to make a summary video. This does not need to be a lot of work for you as a teacher but it makes a big difference to the students and they really appreciate it. Simply take a few photos and videos of your students throughout the entire unit of study, then using a simple program like Apple’s Photos APP you can quickly and easily create a video. Add some custom titles, some music, click export and you are ready to go.
在一些大型的项目结束之际,展示学生的作品是尤其重要的。一种方式是把学生的作品一一展示出来,然后让学生去参观并讨论他们对别人的作品有哪些喜欢的和不喜欢的地方。另一种方式是做一个总结视频。老师只需要在整个学习过程中拍摄一些学生工作时的照片和小视频,然后用软件(如 Apple 的相册)即可快速轻松地创建一个视频,再添加一些自定义标题和音乐,最后导出来就可以啦。
The following video was submitted by a teacher from Kang Chiao International School of East China
Have you used our materials in your class and want to submit a video showcasing your student’s amazing work, or do you want to promote your school and your STEM Program? No problem, feel free to contact Sino-Exchange for details on how to submit your student works. We will upload your sample and provide a link to your school’s website.
如果你在课上已使用了我们的课程材料,并想上传视频来展示学生的优秀作品,或者你想推广贵校和 STEM 课程,请随时联系中外合作交流,了解如何提交学生作品的详细信息。我们将上传你的学生作品,并提供贵校网站链接。